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Smooth Stainless Steel Ring with a Sapphire Gemstone

The Mighty calls his champions!

This ring is a badge of honor among the elites of House Rigel. It is a symbol of pride, one that means you have earned the favor of Rigel himself.

But there is one odd thing about Rigel. It is true that he is partial to those that fly his banner, but this ring has been seen on the hands of those from other houses. Rigel is wisdom incarnate. He respects the differences of all. And it is for this reason that he gives his blessing to all that are worthy. Even if they do not pledge themselves to him. He offers this gift as a reminder to all of his house not forget that humankind rises together. That regardless of who you are or where you come from— your deeds are worthy so long as they are noble and true in the eyes of Rigel.


From Nick:

This is something I have struggled with for a long time. I aim to honor the achievements of all people, regardless of skin color, nationality, gender, sex, etc. What I have learned is that I cannot remove my past experiences from my mind. The racist slurs or demeaning and humiliating words that were leveled at me crop up— particularly when I'm feeling threatened.

And it is precisely for this reason that I work as hard as I do. It is not because it is easy. It is not because my mother or my teachers thought I should. I fight to honor the achievements of all for a much more simple reason.

You all are worth it.

(I know I used this for the ring Atonement, but let's be honest, you're all worth it). 

The MAterials

Our rings are made using 304 stainless steel. Yes, there's nickel present in the alloy. Some of us have reactive oils in our skin, which means that our skin will brown if we wear these too often.

This happens to Nick all the time with the pieces he wears. He recommends taking them off at night and any time you're doing heavy work with your hands and/or sweating.

Black Steel

The steel itself is actually the color you expect steel to be. That silvery-gray metallic color. We form the black color in a two stage process. First, the steel is annealed in the forge (heated up to temperature and allowed to cool very slowly). The forging process itself results in scale forming on the exteiror of the piece. This oxide layer turns a darker gray after annealing. During the quenching process (when the steel is heated and then immediately cooled in a vat of oil), this scale takes on an even darker appearance: the black you see in the images above and our videos on social media.

It's important to know ahead of time that this blackened oxide layer will come off over time. The wearing down of this layer is dependent on:

1. How often you wear the piece.

2. How rough you  are with it (metal grinding against your ring, or taking it to a sander strips off the blackened scale very quickly.


The ring is solid steel. There's not a whole lot you need to do to take care of it.

The black oxide layer covering the ring will come off over time, revealing the stainless steel underneath. This means you'll get some rub off on your skin when you first get the ring. This break in period is temporary.

In the event you beat your ring to living hell and it needs a full refinishing we can take care of that. There will be a refinishing option available for order with each drop.

What If My Ring Doesn't Fit?

We expect you to do your part and get yourself sized in a jewelry shop before placing your order. However, ring sizing mandrels are finicky creatures and sometimes there can be a half-size difference from kit to kit. We offer one free resize for each ring purchased.

Due to the limited nature of our releases, we understand you may learn about us the day of our drops. You have the duration of the order period to change the ring sized you ordered. Which means you can grab the ring you want the hour our sales go live, and then get sized tomorrow. Then write to us the following day informing us of your actual ring size.


Sometimes you order something and it isn't quite you expected. We've all been there. Simply contact us within 60 days of the date of delivery and send the ring back to us. We'll ask what happened and it's okay to say you changed your mind. Our goal is to continually strive to make better products so we appreciate honest feedback that's delivered in a respectful manner.

  • Worry-Free

    60-Day Returns.

  • Handmade


All Sizes are in U.s.

How the Drop Works:

2/05/23 9:00 PM EST

Orders Open. Sales may be placed.

2/08/23 11:59 PM EST

Orders CLose. Sales may no longer be placed.


All ORders are made and shipped within 1 to 2 weeks.