Volunteer Efforts
You can find us in Huntington New York most weeks helping to package and distribute food.
One of the local organizations that really stands out to us is Community Solidarity. They rescue food waste from grocery stores around Long Island and then organize "shares" where people (regardless of economic status) can get the food they need. They help provide many families with groceries.
The organization is run by President/ CEO John Stepanian. In his own words, he aims to: Create long-term solutions to end poverty; by developing community inter-dependence, promoting a balanced nutritious diet and fighting for social justice.
To learn more about Community Solidarity Inc. click the button below.

Why food?
From Nick
Believe it or not, food shortage is a massive contributing factor to human trafficking. Virtually any scenario that puts an individual in a vulnerable situation is an opportunity for a trafficker to step in.
It's not something we come across as often here in the United States, but it's not uncommon for parents in another country to sell their child (knowingly or or not) in exchange for food or other vital resources. In some cases the parents believe they are sending their children into a program that will make sure they're fed every day, only for traffickers to then randsome their children.
In total honesty, I can no longer blame the parents. I know what it's like to fight and scrape your way through life. At one point, I would have cursed the people who sold their children to hell. Now, I pray I 'm never forced to decide between enough food for my family or all of us not eating.
This is one of the reasons why we help out at the food shares. If we can help to alleviate another person's financial situation, even just a little, we can make it less likely for them to be taken advantage of.